dhklee: Lake Lolog Barberry visitor - Anna's Hummingbird ready to hug them all.
dhklee: Ruby-crowned Kinglet flitting on the edge of a pond as it chased the female.
dhklee: Yellow-rumped Warbler
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird bill-wiping in freezing temperature of -7°C after heavy snowfall.
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird in freezing temperature of -7°C. This Anna's surely was thirsty.
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird in the snow
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird in the snow
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird perching on ice.
dhklee: Northern Harrier
dhklee: Northern Harrier
dhklee: Northern Harrier
dhklee: Rock Wren
dhklee: Rock Wren
dhklee: Rock Wren
dhklee: Rock Wren
dhklee: Rock Wren
dhklee: Mandarin Duck
dhklee: A9005896e L3NC
dhklee: Mandarin Duck
dhklee: Mandarin Duck
dhklee: Steller's Jay
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird (juvenile male)
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird on Crosomia
dhklee: Wood Duck male
dhklee: Wood Duck male
dhklee: Black-headed Grosbeak
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird (female)
dhklee: Yellow-headed Blackbird
dhklee: Yellow-headed Blackbird
dhklee: Tree Swallow