s_tapati: It's always a pleasure watching sunsets by the river side.
s_tapati: Of Silhouettes and sunsets
s_tapati: The redness had seeped from the day and the night was arranging herself around us.
s_tapati: Hues of sunset
s_tapati: Colourful dusk.
s_tapati: Sunset
s_tapati: Another orange sky
s_tapati: Orange skies and silhouettes
s_tapati: A tiny speck of the moon
s_tapati: Why is it that when our eyes fix onto the warm colours of the setting sun we are transported to an enchanted world? Most people can agree that a good sunset holds the power to stop just about anyone in tracks. It causes a long lasting satisfaction in lif
s_tapati: Grey skies
s_tapati: Storm
s_tapati: Clouds
s_tapati: ✔️✔️