jade 2.0: Tall, dark and beautiful [Patrick]
jade 2.0: Tall, dark and beautiful [Patrick]
jade 2.0: Tall, dark and beautiful [Patrick]
jade 2.0: Tall, dark and beautiful [Patrick]
jade 2.0: Tall, dark and beautiful [Patrick]
jade 2.0: Tall, dark and beautiful [Patrick]
jade 2.0: He is not all bad like his reputation [Patrick]
jade 2.0: He is not all bad like his reputation [Patrick]
jade 2.0: He is not all bad like his reputation [Patrick]
jade 2.0: Let me tell you a secret... [Jewel and Patrick]
jade 2.0: Teddy & Us [Jewel and Patrick]
jade 2.0: Photo A Day Challenge 2023- Day Three: Music [Patrick]
jade 2.0: My Personal Doll Awards 2023
jade 2.0: Photo A Day 2024- Day Two: Jeans [Patrick]