martin.gresty: Zebra Finch
martin.gresty: red, white and blue
martin.gresty: Moth-Willow beauty?
martin.gresty: DSC_9623_edited
martin.gresty: DSC_9551_edited
martin.gresty: DSC_9438_edited
martin.gresty: DSC_9315_edited
martin.gresty: DSC_9310_edited
martin.gresty: DSC_9289_edited
martin.gresty: DSC_7909_edited
martin.gresty: Pellucid Hoverfly
martin.gresty: Old Coal Barge
martin.gresty: Austin Heavy 12.4 New Windsor
martin.gresty: ZJ694 Bombardier Sentinel R1
martin.gresty: The Black Rock Mermaid
martin.gresty: Busy at the Docks
martin.gresty: Fairford 2018. Ukrainian Air Force IL-76
martin.gresty: Ukrainian Air Force IL-76
martin.gresty: lapwing
martin.gresty: DSC_1646 (1)
martin.gresty: Male Pheasant
martin.gresty: Amur dog-lily
martin.gresty: Stiff Sunflower
martin.gresty: Oleander
martin.gresty: Tea Rose
martin.gresty: Cosmos bipunnatus
martin.gresty: antalya
martin.gresty: antalya