Ric on the road: On the road again - A40 West - Quebec sunset - 2019-01-01
Ric on the road: Michigan - I-94 - Crazy sunset sky over Dearborn - 2019-01-27
Ric on the road: Montana - I-94 West - White Sulphur Springs - ice and power - 2019-02-27
Ric on the road: California - I-680 - near Vine Hill - Neighbours on the green - 2019-03-21
Ric on the road: Montana - Augusta - Cattle life in the grassland 3
Ric on the road: North Dakota - colors of the Badlands
Ric on the road: Montana - Stanford view east - A god level rainstorm cloud
Ric on the road: Eastern Wasington state - perfect curves
Ric on the road: Quebec - Bergeronnes - Les ailes du Nord