montclairbobbyb: Full suspension required?
montclairbobbyb: Klunker Volvo
montclairbobbyb: View of Napa Valley
montclairbobbyb: This a way...
montclairbobbyb: Riding Da Brick
montclairbobbyb: Calistoga Clunker
montclairbobbyb: Scotty on Da Brick
montclairbobbyb: Spitfire 8-speed Klunker
montclairbobbyb: Yes we rode up on these...
montclairbobbyb: Serious Franken-bike...
montclairbobbyb: Bullmoose on Da Brick
montclairbobbyb: Canti brace
montclairbobbyb: Da Brick Drivetrain
montclairbobbyb: Da Brick Drivetrain
montclairbobbyb: Sturmey Shifter on Da Brick
montclairbobbyb: Calistoga
montclairbobbyb: Ahhh... breeze...
montclairbobbyb: Raptors soar nearby
montclairbobbyb: Caught up in the rapture
montclairbobbyb: Beautiful Calistoga
montclairbobbyb: Fearless Scott K
montclairbobbyb: Foot Trail on Oat Hill
montclairbobbyb: More Cliffs of Calistoga
montclairbobbyb: Cliffs of Calistoga
montclairbobbyb: Hiking beneath the Cliffs of Calistoga
montclairbobbyb: Riding down from Oat Hill
montclairbobbyb: Beautiful Healdsburg
montclairbobbyb: Scott's Ranch
montclairbobbyb: View from The Ranch