just call me Mr Lucky: "I'd cut my soul into a million different pieces just to form a constellation to light your way home.."
just call me Mr Lucky: “But how can you love a person who is not whole?"
just call me Mr Lucky: According to theoretical science...
just call me Mr Lucky: "As I gazed at it on that far-gone night it seemed to call across the unthinkable void, to lure me to it, to draw me as the lodestone attracts a particle of iron.”
just call me Mr Lucky: "by the light... of the silvery moon.."
just call me Mr Lucky: "He came dancin' across the water.."
just call me Mr Lucky: "Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner.."
just call me Mr Lucky: "I want to be like water. To slip through fingers, but hold up mighty ships."
just call me Mr Lucky: "When I look down, I just miss seeing things.."
just call me Mr Lucky: Venus in transit
just call me Mr Lucky: Wow - that was scary! Hahahaha....
just call me Mr Lucky: "Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars. "
just call me Mr Lucky: "And Lilly, she's trying to bloom. Tho she's resting her head on the shoulder of death, she still shines by the light of the moon.”
just call me Mr Lucky: isn't it interesting..
just call me Mr Lucky: Planet Nine...
just call me Mr Lucky: They say they have discovered a planet made of glass...
just call me Mr Lucky: when you wish upon a (falling) star...
just call me Mr Lucky: perspective...
just call me Mr Lucky: the mystery planet revealed.....
just call me Mr Lucky: the perspective of time...
just call me Mr Lucky: The Big Dipper, as seen from Fort Davis..
just call me Mr Lucky: Our star-crossed neighbor - Venus..
just call me Mr Lucky: breathe deep, the gathering gloom - watch lights fade from every room..
just call me Mr Lucky: some things never change.. but climate isn't one of those things.
just call me Mr Lucky: "When a cardinal appears, it's a visitor from Heaven."
just call me Mr Lucky: “We have one thing in common with umbrellas:"
just call me Mr Lucky: going... going...
just call me Mr Lucky: "Man maintains his balance, poise, and sense of security, only when he is moving forward."
just call me Mr Lucky: "The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and depending on it.."