just call me Mr Lucky: the end of a long day...
just call me Mr Lucky: Jo Ann's view of the Alamo...
just call me Mr Lucky: lagging behind again...
just call me Mr Lucky: margaritas by the river...
just call me Mr Lucky: "the bombs bursting in air..."
just call me Mr Lucky: just act real natural-like...
just call me Mr Lucky: lunch at Casa Rio...
just call me Mr Lucky: Oooo... pretty!
just call me Mr Lucky: wild ride...
just call me Mr Lucky: transformed...
just call me Mr Lucky: shadows and shapes..
just call me Mr Lucky: photographing the photographer..
just call me Mr Lucky: happy couple..
just call me Mr Lucky: Happy Fence Friday - State Capitol-style...
just call me Mr Lucky: is that Nicholas Cage????
just call me Mr Lucky: the missus in the maze...
just call me Mr Lucky: to the top...
just call me Mr Lucky: serendipity...
just call me Mr Lucky: Jo Ann and I at the waterfall..
just call me Mr Lucky: Adam and Tina at the river..
just call me Mr Lucky: Well - at least it looks like she's having fun!
just call me Mr Lucky: lines and shadows...
just call me Mr Lucky: timing is everything..
just call me Mr Lucky: At the Little Rhein...
just call me Mr Lucky: outside the Little Rhein...
just call me Mr Lucky: waterfall as Jo Ann sees it..
just call me Mr Lucky: string theory...
just call me Mr Lucky: If you need a pair of vintage boots..
just call me Mr Lucky: 347/365 - details...