just call me Mr Lucky: alighting...
just call me Mr Lucky: in all his finery...
just call me Mr Lucky: This is when I love photography...
just call me Mr Lucky: flying jewels...
just call me Mr Lucky: what a difference the lighting makes..
just call me Mr Lucky: hey y'all - watch THIS!
just call me Mr Lucky: it always makes me nervous when they grin at me like that...
just call me Mr Lucky: all a-twitter...
just call me Mr Lucky: "say cheese"...
just call me Mr Lucky: balancing act..
just call me Mr Lucky: first contact..
just call me Mr Lucky: basking in the glow of evening..
just call me Mr Lucky: lady in blue...
just call me Mr Lucky: a drab little fellow..
just call me Mr Lucky: dancing on the water..
just call me Mr Lucky: the perfect perch...
just call me Mr Lucky: the greens and golds of summer...
just call me Mr Lucky: nobody here but us reeds...
just call me Mr Lucky: the competition is fierce!
just call me Mr Lucky: goodbye to those crazy, hazy, lazy days of summer...
just call me Mr Lucky: caught in the act...
just call me Mr Lucky: baby, now that I've found you I won't let you go...
just call me Mr Lucky: tailhookin'..
just call me Mr Lucky: Ophiucus? hell if he cares...
just call me Mr Lucky: he's got that look in his eye...
just call me Mr Lucky: sun worshiper...
just call me Mr Lucky: "my, what big blue eyes you have.."
just call me Mr Lucky: "don't look at ME with those big blue eyes..."