It's all about the light...: Basstölpel mit Küken / Northern gannet with fledgling
It's all about the light...: Basstölpel Profil / Northern Gannet profile / in explore 20220823
It's all about the light...: Sooo groß war der Fisch. - Psst, die Nachbarn schauen schon ... / The fish was sooo big. - Shhh, the neighbours are already looking...
It's all about the light...: Basstölpel über der Nordsee / Northern Gannet over the North Sea / in explore 20230308
It's all about the light...: Familienfoto / Family photo
It's all about the light...: Junger Basstölpel / Young Northern Gannet
It's all about the light...: Basstölpel über der Nordsee II / Northern Gannet over the North Sea II