It's all about the light...:
Mach mal Pause / Gimme a break
It's all about the light...:
Lavendelblüte mit Honigbiene
It's all about the light...:
Nach dem Regen / After the rain
It's all about the light...:
Schokoladenfalter / Rusty tipped page / Siproeta Epaphus
It's all about the light...:
Gebänderte Prachtlibelle ♂ / banded demoiselle ♂
It's all about the light...:
Kleiner Fuchs / Small Tortoiseshell
It's all about the light...:
Distelfalter / Painted Lady
It's all about the light...:
Kaisermantel / Silver-washed fritillary
It's all about the light...:
Kaisermantel / Silver-washed fritillary
It's all about the light...:
Taubenschwänzchen / Hummingbird hawk-moth
It's all about the light...:
Kaisermantel III / Silver-washed fritillary III
It's all about the light...:
Hirschkäfer / Stag Beetle
It's all about the light...:
Gebänderte Prachtlibelle (♀) / Banded Demoiselle (♀)
It's all about the light...:
Gottesanbeterin / Praying Mantis
It's all about the light...:
Honigbiene / Honey Bee
It's all about the light...:
Taubenschwänzchen / Hummingbird hawk-moth
It's all about the light...:
Mandelblütenhonig ? / Almond blossom honey?
It's all about the light...:
Taubenschwänzchen / Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
It's all about the light...:
Tagpfauenauge / Peacock Butterfly
It's all about the light...:
Taubenschwänzchen / Hawk Moth