Kens images 2017: IMG_4513-1
Kens images 2017: Early Bird Catches The Worm
Kens images 2017: Goldfinch on phone lines
Kens images 2017: Songthrush
Kens images 2017: Song Thrush
Kens images 2017: Blackbird
Kens images 2017: Robins Song
Kens images 2017: Early Birds
Kens images 2017: Inquisative Visitor
Kens images 2017: THe Birds Wont Mind
Kens images 2017: Opportunity To Good To Miss
Kens images 2017: Foraging Blackbird
Kens images 2017: Foraging Blackbird
Kens images 2017: IMG_5354-1
Kens images 2017: Catching The Sun
Kens images 2017: Long Tailed Tit
Kens images 2017: Quick shot
Kens images 2017: Three In A Tree
Kens images 2017: Robins Song
Kens images 2017: Goldfinch-
Kens images 2017: Song Thrush with his Morning Song
Kens images 2017: Blackbird
Kens images 2017: Breakfast Thrush
Kens images 2017: Me and my Shadow
Kens images 2017: Foraging Thrush
Kens images 2017: Worm Hunting Thrush
Kens images 2017: Not sure what this little Fellow is