Kens images 2017: weather photos007_edited.JPG
Kens images 2017: weather photos008.JPG
Kens images 2017: 16th September 2012 P9160576
Kens images 2017: Raindrops
Kens images 2017: Dragon Cloud Formation
Kens images 2017: U.K. in the sky, Cloud formation
Kens images 2017: Stormy Morning
Kens images 2017: Cualiflower Cloud
Kens images 2017: Every Cloud Has a Silver lining
Kens images 2017: Shaft Of Light
Kens images 2017: DSCN3693-1
Kens images 2017: Clouds on the hill ,Teusdays storm passing
Kens images 2017: Rainbow over the Hill
Kens images 2017: Double Rainbow
Kens images 2017: Stormy night
Kens images 2017: Hole in the Clouds