Man with a beard!: The Three D’s - Disease, Death and Decay.
Man with a beard!: In a row! They just keep going on and on!
Man with a beard!: Four little mushrooms, all in a row!
Man with a beard!: The theme was ‘nuts’, wasn’t it?
Man with a beard!: Perseverando Vinces! Perseverance Conquers All!
Man with a beard!: Plug into the world! Telephone Master Socket!
Man with a beard!: Marmite - You either love it or hate it!
Man with a beard!: Vacuum cleaner attachment.
Man with a beard!: Blwyddyn Newydd Dda 2021!
Man with a beard!: Don’t throw that calendar away!
Man with a beard!: Mummy lipstick and her three little ones!
Man with a beard!: Before and After!
Man with a beard!: iPad Home Screen Icon
Man with a beard!: Some may consider me to be a bit backward at times!
Man with a beard!: Flickr Addicts - take heed!
Man with a beard!: Moo Milk - direct from Moo Cows!
Man with a beard!: Just for the chocolate lovers amongst you!
Man with a beard!: Figs viewed on an old B/W T.V.!
Man with a beard!: Prunus Salcina - the Japanese or Chinese Plum.
Man with a beard!: Polychrome hordes surround the meagre B/W forces.
Man with a beard!: Maasai Warrior with pet pink flamingo!
Man with a beard!: The Vegan Alternative!
Man with a beard!: Lop-sided Poppy!
Man with a beard!: Lollipops galore! Four varieties to choose from!
Man with a beard!: Small Magpie Moth.
Man with a beard!: A Turtle Spiral design on a Kenyan wicker mat.
Man with a beard!: Hydrangea! Just opening.
Man with a beard!: The Odd Couple!
Man with a beard!: Doing my bit for the Australian economy!
Man with a beard!: Alien Landscape