m-og-m: Analog shoot-out. Voigtlander Vito B captured by Agfa Optima 1 with Color-Agnar 45mm/2.8 and Fuji Superia 200.
m-og-m: Agfa Optima 1
m-og-m: Camera line up June 2014
m-og-m: Leica AF-C1 at the races
m-og-m: Monocle and apparel
m-og-m: Two Ikons
m-og-m: Shades of brown
m-og-m: Exakta Varex VX and Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58mm/2
m-og-m: Zeiss Ikon Contessa 35 535/24
m-og-m: Voigtlander Vito B
m-og-m: Pier analogs
m-og-m: Kodak Retina 1b with Schneider-Kreuznach 50mm/2.8, and lens hood.
m-og-m: Camera and Coffee
m-og-m: Contaflex at Fur Brewery
m-og-m: Exakta VX IIa at Stevns Klint
m-og-m: Blades of glory
m-og-m: Man bag
m-og-m: The Italian duo in Lucca
m-og-m: Fuji X10
m-og-m: Film
m-og-m: A stout and two analogs at Stevns Klint
m-og-m: Ultramax
m-og-m: Voigtlander Vitessa at the races
m-og-m: Konica EE Matic
m-og-m: Voigtlander Vito B
m-og-m: Ricoh 500G
m-og-m: Konica EEMatic
m-og-m: Two folders
m-og-m: Two folders
m-og-m: Film