Nanard VASSEL: Voie lactée NL PQ 10 aout 2024 (12)
philippe.soriano: Keeping up appearances, in the manner of a Northern Shoveler
Bergman, Anders: Bullfinch
marcbenezech: couple de panures a moustaches .
marcbenezech: Ibis falcinelle .
tanman2: Snowy Egret
tanman2: How sweet it is
Francesc F P: Esparver comú_Esparver
Nanard VASSEL: Guêpiers d'Europe juin 2024 (16)
Karsten Gieselmann: Upward trend
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Little Crake (URN: 2451)
davidlawrence15: Short eared Owl.
patricia.hoedts: Blauet comu - Martin pescador comun - Common kingfisher - Martin-pêcheur d'Europe - Alcedo atthis
cazalegg: One for Red Squirrel Appreciation Day
Bergman, Anders: Bullfinch (f)
trawson58: Short Eared Owl
John Tymon: Stonechat - Male
trawson58: Short Eared Owl
Pubnicobirder: Bohemian Waxwing, Pubnico Nova Scotia.
material guy: sanderling
tanman2: Northern Cardinal
InorogNL: The story told... BurrowingOwl_03
Francesc F P: Mallerenga de bigotis_Callerenga de canyar
Francesc F P: Blauet_Blavet
Giancarlo - Foto 4U: MacroMondays - Marbles - 22 janvier 2024
PMBrem: Iberian Green woodpecker. Cremenes, Spain