kristen_manza: Isnt it both beautiful and sad that everyone, at some point, feels the same thing you're feeling?
kristen_manza: Yet we all carry ourselves in the world trying to hide it
kristen_manza: Like flowers bloom and then die
kristen_manza: is there another "life" after "death"?
kristen_manza: Or are we left with fragmented pieces of what once was?
kristen_manza: Friends, lovers, memories. Homes, schools, dreams
kristen_manza: Do we hold ourselves back from the things that cause us pain? Or we do we face them head on to appear strong, only breaking at any point we're alone
kristen_manza: Do we hope for the best, but anticipate the worst because of how many times we've been let down?
kristen_manza: Or do we look to the cotton candy sky, giving us a small moment of beautiful in what was a painful day?
kristen_manza: But there is beauty in every day. There is life in ever day, and there is love
kristen_manza: We just have to look
kristen_manza: Whether it's a small glance or smile from a stranger,
kristen_manza: we should have hope that better days will come
kristen_manza: How would we ever appreciate good days if we didnt have bad ones?
kristen_manza: How would we ever know love and beauty if we didnt know pain and suffering?
kristen_manza: So maybe, just maybe
kristen_manza: there is suffering and pain
kristen_manza: to give us perspective and appreciation
kristen_manza: There is something valuable in the struggle
kristen_manza: And somewhere, sometime, maybe everything will make sense