Embra Mike: Coiled light
Embra Mike: Spring is here!
Embra Mike: Spring is here!
Embra Mike: Spring is here!
Embra Mike: Spring is here!
Embra Mike: Morning dew
Embra Mike: DSCF7030
Embra Mike: Alone
Embra Mike: The odd one out
Embra Mike: DSCF7045
Embra Mike: DSCF7043
Embra Mike: Blossom
Embra Mike: It's all too much for some
Embra Mike: Fields of daffs
Embra Mike: Spring is here! The first crocus photo of the season. ☺
Embra Mike: DSCF3768
Embra Mike: Harrison park springtime
Embra Mike: C'mon spring!
Embra Mike: First of the season
Embra Mike: Fields of crocuses
Embra Mike: Dafs by an Edinburgh landmark
Embra Mike: Dafs by an Edinburgh landmark
Embra Mike: Can't get much more springy than that!
Embra Mike: Wild garlic
Embra Mike: Wild garlic
Embra Mike: Blossom
Embra Mike: Hillside flowers