Embra Mike: Apple blossom
Embra Mike: Busy bee
Embra Mike: 2010-05-29 17-18-32 - 0046
Embra Mike: Cleared to land runway 36 BEE
Embra Mike: 2010-05-29 16-30-09 - 0033
Embra Mike: Bluebells of Scotland
Embra Mike: IMG_0271
Embra Mike: IMG_0260
Embra Mike: IMG_0258
Embra Mike: 2010-05-25 09-39-55 - 0003
Embra Mike: Azaleas
Embra Mike: Pitlochry Dam
Embra Mike: Bridge over the River Tummel
Embra Mike: Etape Caledonia
Embra Mike: Near the end now!
Embra Mike: Teamwork
Embra Mike: Etape Caledonia
Embra Mike: Acer leaves
Embra Mike: 43 minutes after 7 still waiting to start!
Embra Mike: Bunch starts Etape Caledonia
Embra Mike: zooming past Pitlochry
Embra Mike: Flying start for the King of the Mountains
Embra Mike: And they're off
Embra Mike: Where's Wally?
Embra Mike: Doe at the Birchwood Hotel
Embra Mike: Acer leaves with cherry blossom behind
Embra Mike: Blossom, Woodburn Terrace
Embra Mike: Woodburn Terrace
Embra Mike: Cherry canopy over Arthurs Seat