Embra Mike: Cherry canopy over Arthurs Seat
Embra Mike: 2010-05-11 09-59-37 - 0018
Embra Mike: 2010-05-11 09-57-35 - 0015
Embra Mike: 2010-05-11 09-56-56 - 0011
Embra Mike: Cherry blossom @ the meadows
Embra Mike: Snow in the meadows
Embra Mike: Snow in the meadows
Embra Mike: Barbecues prohibited!
Embra Mike: Snow shadows
Embra Mike: Snow shadows
Embra Mike: Snow shadows
Embra Mike: Snow shadows
Embra Mike: January snow
Embra Mike: Gulls trying to keep warm in January snow
Embra Mike: Barclay church
Embra Mike: 2009_1223snow0040
Embra Mike: 2009_1223snow0037
Embra Mike: 2009_1223snow0036
Embra Mike: 2009_1223snow0033
Embra Mike: First autumn leaves
Embra Mike: Arthur's Seat from the Meadows
Embra Mike: Tree lined avenue
Embra Mike: Barclay church and shadows
Embra Mike: Dark skies Marchmont
Embra Mike: Barclay church with sunlit lamposts
Embra Mike: Wierd lighting - Barclay Church
Embra Mike: Dark skies over the Lady Boys' tent!
Embra Mike: Brass band at the Meadows
Embra Mike: The Meadows on a rare sunny afternoon