WhiteEye2: When a bunny thinks you're funny
FocusPocus Photography: Gosh, that bird is HUGE !
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): overhead MW July 28 2022
KvikneFoto: veien er målet ........
Stuart Smith.: Dunvegan Hotel, Lochside, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, Scotland UK
Leo a Mia: My most beautiful Sun, beloved Miuška ❤, she exhaled for the last time .... Fly a beautiful soul into a cat's heaven ... I will never forget you ❤
vglima1975: Iguassu Falls
FocusPocus Photography: When Cleo takes her meds
FocusPocus Photography: Garden shredder and lawn mower in action
Garkast: Lunnefågel
Garkast: Jorduggla
Garkast: Kustvarg med lax
Garkast: Myskoxe
Garkast: Fjällvråk
Garkast: Skäggmes
Dani℮l: Awakening
Stuart Smith.: Bonamy's Cider Glass, York Hotel, Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Finn Frode (DK): Comments are nice, but Faves are better
KvikneFoto: we got something to tell you!!
Vasquezz: Astern
Vasquezz: Besuch am Oregano
clborba: From my window: Vênus, Moon, delta Skorpii