lyjobu2000: DSCN0856
lyjobu2000: London Fusilers Memorial 3
lyjobu2000: London Fusilers Memorial 2
lyjobu2000: DSCN0869
lyjobu2000: Ste Pauls 3
lyjobu2000: Ste Pauls
lyjobu2000: DSCN0877
lyjobu2000: Thames 2
lyjobu2000: Thames1
lyjobu2000: Fromthe Berlin Wall
lyjobu2000: Ste. Paul Cathsdral - Really!
lyjobu2000: London Gate
lyjobu2000: DSCN0918
lyjobu2000: Thames Boatman statue
lyjobu2000: The Globe 2 3
lyjobu2000: The Globe 2
lyjobu2000: The Globe 1
lyjobu2000: Waterloo Memorial
lyjobu2000: Short days ago, We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
lyjobu2000: Between the crosses, row on row,
lyjobu2000: WW1 Brit Artillery Memorial - Officers
lyjobu2000: In Flanders fields the poppies blow
lyjobu2000: WW1 Brit Artillery Memorial
lyjobu2000: WWI Anzac Memorial
lyjobu2000: WWI Anzac Memorial 2
lyjobu2000: WWI Anzac Memorial 3
lyjobu2000: From V&A Museum
lyjobu2000: My House 2
lyjobu2000: My House
lyjobu2000: British Museum - Ext