marensr: Indian Grass on a glacial kame
marensr: Gold and blue
marensr: Preying Mantis
marensr: September first, leaf light
marensr: Wee warbler
marensr: High wire hunter
marensr: Prairie and Oaks
marensr: Eastern Bluebird
marensr: Cutting through
marensr: Northern Leopard Frog
marensr: Gravity defying
marensr: Old barn and silo
marensr: Common Buckeye Butterfly
marensr: Banded Wing Meadowhawk (Sympetrum semicinctum)
marensr: Eastern Black Swallowtail
marensr: Sandhill cranes
marensr: Glacial Kame
marensr: Cedar Waxwing
marensr: Eastern Bluebird
marensr: Female Common Yellowthroat
marensr: White breasted nuthatch
marensr: White-breasted nuthatch
marensr: Sandhill cranes
marensr: Eastern Bluebird
marensr: Chipmunk
marensr: Flight pattern
marensr: Blue gray gnatcatcher