thchu: Cherry Blossom
thchu: Cherry Blossom
thchu: Cherry Blossom
thchu: Cherry Blossom
thchu: Cherry Blossom
thchu: A kind of fungus at Purisima Creek Redwoods OpenSpace.
thchu: Clusters of Chinese pistachio fruit in early fall.
thchu: Chinese Pistache in early fall morning.
thchu: Macro practice - pink-to-red shades
thchu: Macro practice - Another presentation!
thchu: Macro practice - Another angle!
thchu: Macro practice - Pink-to-red rose in early fall.
thchu: Macro practice - A different presentation.
thchu: Macro practice - pink rose in fall.
thchu: Macro practice - Pink-to-red rose.
thchu: El Corte De Madera Creek Preserve
thchu: El Corte De Madera Creek Preserve
thchu: El Corte De Madera Creek Preserve
thchu: El Corte De Madera Creek Preserve
thchu: El Corte De Madera Creek Preserve
thchu: Drought tolerant purple fountaingrass
thchu: Fountaingrass
thchu: Morning sun light
thchu: Late summer morning rose
thchu: Morning Pine
thchu: Blooming Crape-Myrtle
thchu: White Flowering Plumbago
thchu: Summer roses
thchu: Summer roses