Martyn Sanders: 97403 + 97201 at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 97403 + 97201 at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 950001 (999600 + 999601) Network Rail Track Recording Unit at Dawlish 2.10.18
Martyn Sanders: 950001 (999600 + 999601) Network Rail Track Recording Unit at Dawlish 2.10.18(1)
Martyn Sanders: 950001 (999600 + 999601) Network Rail Track Recording Unit at Dawlish 2.10.18(2)
Martyn Sanders: 975003+975004 Test Unit Gemini at Bury ELR 3.10.93
Martyn Sanders: 975003+975004 Test Unit Gemini at Bury ELR 3.10.93[1]
Martyn Sanders: 975007+975008 ULTRASONIC TEST TRAIN withdrawn at Old Oak Common 5.2.94
Martyn Sanders: 975036 Laboratory 22 lettering at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 975076 Auto Trailer (ex 34500) part of the Tribometer Train at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 975081 Hermes Lab 17 (ex M35313) part of the Structure Gauging train at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 975136 Laboratory 12 (ex 34505) acoustic test vehicle at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 975386 Laboratory 4 'Hastings' (ex S60750) at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 975814 Test Car 10 ex-E11000, 41000 as part of the prototype HST set seen here at Darley Dale 13.10.94
Martyn Sanders: 975984 Argus Laboratory 15 (Mk3 formerly part of the prototype HST as E10000 then W40000, now part of NMT) at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 999507 Derby Research Laboratory 20 (built 1958 by Wickham along with a batch of 5 railcars for BR) seen here preserved at Isfield - The Lavender Line 25.8.12
Martyn Sanders: 999507 Derby Research Laboratory 20 (built 1958 by Wickham along with a batch of 5 railcars for BR) seen here preserved at Isfield - The Lavender Line 25.8.12[1]
Martyn Sanders: 999507 Wickham Laboratory 20 (built by Wickham as Elliott Track Recording Car) at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: 999601 Mobile Track Assesment unit (built at York in 1987) at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: ADB977528 Mk2b FK ex-13484 at MRC Swanwick 13.10.94
Martyn Sanders: ADW150375 M & EE Test Car 1 (converted in 1966 from Hawksworth auto trailer W233W) at Derby research 13.7.85
Martyn Sanders: DB975091 MENTOR overhead and pantograph test coach originally Mk1 BSK 34615 at Stafford 25.7.01
Martyn Sanders: DB 977335 'The Rocket' formerly DTSO 76277 from 4TC unit 405 and here with SERCO as a Track Recording Train Driving and Generator Coach passing Stafford 25.7.01
Martyn Sanders: DB977337 Track Recording Train Dormitory Coach, originally Mk2 9395 BSO, built in Derby to lot 30757 in 1966 seen here at Stafford 25.7.01
Martyn Sanders: DB 977338 Serco Track Recording Train Support coach, originally Mk2 9387, seen here at Stafford 25.7.01
Martyn Sanders: DB977801 Serco Brake Force Runner originally Mk2 5153 seen here at Stafford 25.7.01
Martyn Sanders: DB999550 High Speed Track Recording Coach, a purpose bulilt vehicle based on a Mk2F seen here at Stafford 25.7.01
Martyn Sanders: Model of proposed class 91 at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: RDB602050 Decapod at RTC Derby 14.9.87
Martyn Sanders: RDB975010 Iris (formerly M79900 as part of a 2-car set) at RTC Derby 14.9.87