martinslonim: In this life, two is better than one.
martinslonim: _DSC4318
martinslonim: Peregrine Falcon
martinslonim: Redtail hunting,
martinslonim: _DSC9194-Edit-2
martinslonim: Northern Harrier
martinslonim: American Kestrel
martinslonim: Curlew finds a morsel
martinslonim: Dance of the Heron
martinslonim: _DSC3712
martinslonim: Western Bluebird
martinslonim: Cedar Waxwing
martinslonim: Greater Yellowlegs
martinslonim: Singing with abandon
martinslonim: Birds of a feather stick together
martinslonim: Mute Swan and chicks
martinslonim: Egrets feed in the last light on the marsh
martinslonim: Great Egret
martinslonim: airborne
martinslonim: Sentinel
martinslonim: A magnificent hawk
martinslonim: _DSC4842
martinslonim: Gliding into the glade
martinslonim: Yellow Rumped Warbler
martinslonim: Snowy Egrets working it out
martinslonim: _DSC2368
martinslonim: _DSC1265
martinslonim: Blue Grey Gnat Catcher
martinslonim: _DSC3654
martinslonim: _DSC5193