A delicate sound of thunder.: Uffmoor Woods...Now ruined by the Woodland Trust. 16
A delicate sound of thunder.: Let there be light and lots of colours.
A delicate sound of thunder.: The fading light of day. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Woodland revisited. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Borley Woods revisited. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Warley Woods 2. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Light and colours. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: So....let there be light. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Warley Autumn. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: The last call for Autumn 2018.
A delicate sound of thunder.: Car Park and home. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: The last rays of the day. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Natures own stainglass windows. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Sunlite Oasis. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Orange and Black. 18
A delicate sound of thunder.: Chaddesley Wood.2 16
A delicate sound of thunder.: A distant memory now. 16
A delicate sound of thunder.: Silence is Golden. 16
A delicate sound of thunder.: Not the Woodland Trusts. 16
A delicate sound of thunder.: A hint of Winter colour. 19
A delicate sound of thunder.: Woodland Dusk. 19
A delicate sound of thunder.: Early afternoon walking. 19
A delicate sound of thunder.: Early afternoon walking continued. 19
A delicate sound of thunder.: Walking on the wildside. 19
A delicate sound of thunder.: Late afternoon light. 19