_robertina_double_p: Lezioni di nuoto - Swimming lessons
_robertina_double_p: Verso sera - As evening drew in
_robertina_double_p: children's gifts - I regali dei bambini
_robertina_double_p: For someone who misses my 'art' 😆
_robertina_double_p: Like a slight flicker - come un leggero frullare d'ali
_robertina_double_p: Kaleidoscope
_robertina_double_p: So simple so beautiful
_robertina_double_p: So simple so beautiful
_robertina_double_p: Autumn is a painter
_robertina_double_p: The little red star
_robertina_double_p: Blue moments
_robertina_double_p: In a foggy day
_robertina_double_p: Dreaming the blue sea of Florida :)))
_robertina_double_p: The big oak
_robertina_double_p: Last winter sunset
_robertina_double_p: Sunset mood
_robertina_double_p: A great Sunday to everybody
_robertina_double_p: Pink emotion