celerycelery: caterpillars of the Large White butterfly (pieris brassicae)
celerycelery: caterpillars of the Large White butterfly (pieris brassicae)
celerycelery: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail caterpillar (Papilio glaucus)
celerycelery: Sphinx Moth caterpillar parasitised by Brachonid wasp larvae
celerycelery: Pink-Striped Oakworm Moth caterpillar (anisota virginiensis)
celerycelery: Cinnabar Moth larvae (tyria jacobaeae)
celerycelery: Drinker moth caterpillar (euthrix potatoria)
celerycelery: Drinker moth caterpillar (euthrix potatoria)
celerycelery: Elephant Hawk-moth caterpillar (Deilephila elpenor)
celerycelery: Five-spot Burnet larva (zygaena trifolii)
celerycelery: Lackey moth caterpillar (malacosoma neustria)
celerycelery: Lackey moth caterpillar (malacosoma neustria)
celerycelery: Ruby Tiger moth caterpillar (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)
celerycelery: Monarch (Danaus plexippus) caterpillar
celerycelery: Ruby Tiger moth caterpillar (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)
celerycelery: Sphinx Moth caterpillar parasitised by Brachonid wasp larvae
celerycelery: Yellow-tail moth caterpillar (euproctis similis)
celerycelery: Solomons-seal Sawfly larvae (phymatocera aterrima)
celerycelery: Cinnabar moth caterpillars (tyria jacobaeae)
celerycelery: Yellow-tail moth caterpillar (euproctis similis)
celerycelery: Knot Grass moth caterpillar (acronicta rumicis)
celerycelery: Abbot's Bagworm Moth cocoon (Oiketicus abbotii)
celerycelery: Pipevine Swallowtail larvae (Battus philenor)
celerycelery: Polydamas Swallowtail larvae (Battus polydamas)
celerycelery: Atala larva (eumaeus atala)
celerycelery: Polydamas Swallowtail larvae (Battus polydamas)
celerycelery: Yellow-tail moth caterpillar (euproctis similis)
celerycelery: Cinnabar moth caterpillars (tyria jacobaeae)
celerycelery: Atala larva (Eumaeus atala)
celerycelery: Pipevine Swallowtail larvae (Battus philenor)