GPR06: Sperm Whale Tail , Azores -Physeter macrocephalus
GPR06: Azores_
GPR06: Azores_
GPR06: Common Dolphin, Azores_
GPR06: Spotted Dolphin, Azores
GPR06: Common Dolphin and Calf. Azores _
GPR06: _Bottlenose Dolphin
GPR06: Common Dolphin and Baby Dolphin July 2009_
GPR06: Common Dolphin and Calf. Azores
GPR06: Common Dolphin , Azores_
GPR06: Common Dolphin Azores
GPR06: Spotted Dolphin. Azores_Stenella frontalis
GPR06: Sperm Whale, Mother & Calf - Physeter macrocephalus
GPR06: Sperm Whale, Mother & Calf -Physeter macrocephalus
GPR06: Spotted Dolphins, Azores _
GPR06: Spotted Dolphin, Azores_
GPR06: _Azores, Common Dolphins
GPR06: _Azores, Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus
GPR06: Azores, Young Dolphin_
GPR06: Azores, Young Dolphin_
GPR06: Azores
GPR06: Spotted Dolphins, Azores_
GPR06: Pilot Whales, Azores July 2009_
GPR06: Sperm Whale Head Showing Teeth Physeter macrocephalus
GPR06: _Sperm Whale Fluke Physeter macrocephalus
GPR06: Sperm Whale, Mother & Calf
GPR06: ID Fluke of Sperm Whale , Azores
GPR06: Blue Whale, Azores
GPR06: ID Fluke of Sperm Whale, Azores_Physeter macrocephalus
GPR06: Mother And Calf Fluke - Physeter macrocephalus