Stitchingnut: Hall looking into the Living Room
Stitchingnut: Quest Room
Stitchingnut: Quest Room
Stitchingnut: Bill's bureau
Stitchingnut: Quest Room
Stitchingnut: Dinning Room while putting together pictures
Stitchingnut: Living Room filled with fiber & books
Stitchingnut: Where I sit and knit most of the time.
Stitchingnut: Living room looking into kitchen
Stitchingnut: Our Living Room
Stitchingnut: Other side of Our Living Room
Stitchingnut: Entry into Living Room
Stitchingnut: Hall looking into the guest room
Stitchingnut: A place for a barbeque
Stitchingnut: Our backyard
Stitchingnut: the Cherry Tree
Stitchingnut: New siding and shutters
Stitchingnut: After new siding and shutters were installed
Stitchingnut: Front yard
Stitchingnut: Backyard
Stitchingnut: Backyard
Stitchingnut: Side Garden
Stitchingnut: Side Garden with beans, pea, summer squash & tomatoes
Stitchingnut: Backyard plantings
Stitchingnut: In our backyard
Stitchingnut: Fish in our backyard?
Stitchingnut: A place to sit and Enjoy
Stitchingnut: Sit and enjoy the backyard
Stitchingnut: With a new roof put on!
Stitchingnut: with a new roof