Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-11_103052 Jim heading for the airport after the Limo service had to cancel when our flight time changed
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-11_123129 Why are we flying on 9-11, we never even thought of the significance of the date
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-11_123132 Why are we flying on 9-11? And the flight is delayed to boot
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-11_123203 Sam at the airport at Las Vegas on the first leg of our trip to Rome, Italy
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-11_032451-032457.1 Sam & Jim waiting or the Plane to depart LAX 2 image HH Panorama
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_132239 Sam riding the bus to the Rome Airport
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_135000 Our first view of Italy
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_142354 Sam enjoying the Italian sun and Roman Ruins in Rome on the way to our hotel
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_142442 Sam & Jim in Rome on our way to our hotel
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_142538 Sam and Jim in front of Famous Roman Ruins in Rome_Richtone(HDR)
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_142927 On the road into Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_184031 Jim testing his new wide angle adaptor for his cell phone
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_184232 view from our hotel room in Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_184255 view from our room in the Imperial, Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_192111 Sam on the street just outside the Imperial Hotel in Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_194420 Our first meal in Rome, near the Imperail Hotel
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_195009 Dinner in Roma at a family restaurant
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_195028 Sammy feels that good house wind helps the food go down in Rome Italy
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_200624 Give me a good dish of mussels or clams and I will be happy, Rome Italy
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_200801 the color of the light is very important to the overall ambiance of the event, Rome Italy
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_200806 Possible molding design detail for Wasey and Cade's home in LV, this on is in Rome Italy
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_200809 You all know what a sucker I am for lit ceiling molding, Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_201304 Sammy at dinner our first night in Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_212817 Sam and Jim at little family restaurant, our first night in Roma, Italy
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_213449 artfully decorated window near our hotel in Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_213456 glass boots help sell lemoncello in Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_213507 Window shopping is fun after stores close in Rome
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_213550 the Via Venito near our hotel in Roma, Italy at night
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_213650 Attempting to get as many Italian symbols in one photo in Rome._Richtone(HDR)
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2015-09-12_213659 Sammy retuning to our hotel after dinner in Rome_Richtone(HDR)