Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30_144859 TL images at 15sec intervals
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30_163944 TL images shot at 15 sec intervals
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 IMG_8778 Casey in her backyard planning for another of her Halloween Extraganzas
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 IMG_8777 Casey hard at work for tomorrows party
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 IMG_8776 Last minute details need to be attended to
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey adding Skanky Witch to her Halloween Menu Blackboard Masterpiece IMG_8773
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey adding Skanky Witch to her Halloween Menu Blackboard Masterpiece IMG_8772
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey adding Skanky Witch to her Halloween Menu Blackboard Masterpiece IMG_8771
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 On first blush, Casey's creation Halloween Menu Blackboard Masterpiece looks better than our expectations! IMG_8775
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 On first blush, Casey's creation Halloween Menu Blackboard Masterpiece looks better than our expectations! IMG_8774
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 IMG_8779-8791 A beautiful sunset forms over the Spring Mountains 13 Image HH PanoramaCC
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 IMG_8792-8806 The final Hail Mary Pass of the afternoon 15 Image HH PanoramaCC
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 The Halloween Menu Blackboard is finally up, now for the graphics IMG_8814
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 The Halloween Menu Blackboard is finally up, now for the graphics IMG_8813
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey, no but cracks please, attaching the grid to her Halloween Menu Blackboard Masterpiece IMG_8809
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey in front of her Halloween Menu Blackboard Masterpiece IMG_8812
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey in front of her Halloween Menu Blackboard Masterpiece IMG_8811
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8823
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8822
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8821
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8820
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8819
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8818
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8817
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8816
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 Casey and Sam adding the graphics to the Halloween Menu Blackboard IMG_8815
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30 IMG_8824 the menu Board comes together at the last moment
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2014-10-30_202836 Sam and Casey create the menu