Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2010-09-09 IMG 630-631 Sam, Wendy & Jeanne enjoy The dying sunlight of our last day at sea. 2 Imae HH Panorama
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2010-09-09 STA_0630-631 Catching the last of a quickly disappearing sun on our last day in the San Juan Islands 2 Image HH Panorama
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2010-09-09 IMG_0637-640 The crew enjoys its last meal aboard the First Kiss - 4 Image HH Panorama
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2010-09-09 IMG_0627-629 Wendy, Denny, Jeanne & Sam bagging a few rays and relaxing on the fore deck before sunset 3 Image HH Panorama