Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1977-09 Sam & Jim in Napa Valley - I think.a
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1977-09 Sam & Jim in Napa Valley - I think
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1977-09 Sam & Jim in San Francisco.a
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1977-09 Sam & Jim in San Francisco
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-09 Sam and Jim in San Francisco app0003
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76--09 Sam and Jim in San Fran with Groppers app0005
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-09 Sam with Marc and Sheri Gropper in SF app0002
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-09 Marc and Sheri Gropper app0004
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-08 Sailing in Ocean w Groppers app0001
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-08 Marina del Rey going sailing w Gropper app0002
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-08 Marc, Sheri and Michael Gropper app0003
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-08 Mike Gropper in Marina del Rey app0004
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-08 Mike Gropper on way to Europe app0005
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 76-06 sailing with Groppers app0006