Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a.1951 watching B&W TV Meinel, Elliott, Rasmussen kids
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a.1951 Jim at Newport Beach ready for a boat ride
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a.enhanced Carla w Birthday cake 1955
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a.1951 Carla Gene, driving and Jim on tractor
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Carla's 3rd birthday with mery-go-round cake.a
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a.Carla's Birthday w friends onening gifts circa1954 or 55 on back steps of house
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a.1951 Carla with her Grandmother Daisy Bown collecting her precious eggs
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1951 Carla Jim and Gene on the farm in Lancaster..a
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: enhanced Carla w Birthday cake 1955
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Rotation of Carla w friends age 2
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Grandma and Grandpa Daisy and O.A. Omar Bown in front of Margret Schuberts kitchen door in Pasadena
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: enhanced - Carla's Birthday #2 w friends onening gifts circa1954 or 55 on back steps of house
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Carla w firends 1954 or 55 on back steps of house
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1955 enhanced Gene, Colene and Carla on way to function, Church(question) ACC
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1953 Travel Town - Griffith Park the Rileys and Meinel kids
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a.1953 Carla and friends ridig a pipe alatered
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1951 Carla Jim and Gene on the farm in Lancaster
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Rotation of Carla's Birthday cake 1953
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Rotation of Carla w the White's son in a jeep peddle car
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1954 Carla with Rabbit riding in Kevin White's Jeep Pedal Car.
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Rotation of Carla w firends 1954 or 55 on back steps of house
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Rotation of 1951 sceens from lancaster farm
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Rotation of 1951 Carla Gene, driving and Jim on tractor
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Rotation of Jim at Newport Beach ready for a boar ride
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1951-53 Victory Blvd student dance - Jim or Gene
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Victory Blvd. students dancing in yard. Jim 1st grade 2nd shot
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1955 Gene, Colene and Carla on way to function, Church(question) ACC
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Gene, Colene and Carla on way to function, Church(question)
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Carla's 3rd birthday with mery-go-round cake