Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88 Sam and Jim on Crown Odessy on South American Cruise
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88 S. American Cruise on ship rail
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88 Rita, Sam and Jim in Brasil
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-05-20 Betty and Sam Walking dogs on ridge in Runyon Cyn - House in back ground
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-06-04 Sam on new concrete deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 Preparing to install new concrete Deck on back of house
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-12-25 Christmas on our new deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-06-04 Sam sunning herself on new patio deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-12 New deck and new Tent.. 1st christmas
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-06-04 Jim standing on edge of new deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-05 Finished deck after late spring rain no rail
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-05 Sam and Jim like living on the edge of their new deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-06-04 Sam thinks this is what it is all about on the new deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-05 viewing the edge after a rain storm
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 preparing surface to install and pour new deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-05 seeing L.A. from a new prespective.ltif
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-05 late rain damaged the pour
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-05 sudden unexpected rain set us all back
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 composit shot of consturcting the wall
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 3 composite shots of retaining wall under construction
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 Easter Sunday removing bricks from deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 Easter Sunday rDoug Paul Sr. & Jr. w friend emoving bricks from deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 Deck looking West after bricks reomved from deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 Easter Sunday Doug Paul Sr. & Jr. w friend removing bricks from deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 Easter Sunday Doug Paul Sr. to Jr. let me show how how to do it
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1988-04 Easter Sunday Doug Paul Jr This is almost a big as he is.
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 This reminds me of the times I walked to school in snow up to my waist
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1988-04 Easter Sunday Come on dad, let me do it.. Doug Paul Sr. & Jr. removing bricks from deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1988-04 Easter Sunday What a keen pogo stick -Doug Paul Jr. removing bricks from deck
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 88-04 Easter Sunday Doug Paul Jr. w friend trying out something different