Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2011-11-18 IMG_4616 Great Tree
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2011-11-18 IMG_4636 The winning bidders trying to figure how they are going to get it home now that they bought the star of the evening.
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2011-11-18 IMG_4635 The Posse with the couple withthe winning bid & Sam doggedly holds on to her ribbon!
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2011-11-18 IMG_4633 Sam is presented the special ribbon for most whimisical tree
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2011-11-18 IMG_4632 LeAnne during the auction with the Posse's tree
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2011-11-18 IMG_4628 The Posse in attendence LeAnne, Sam, Lauri, and Lynn. Unfortunately Janet and Becky were detained elsewhere
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 2011-11-18 IMG_4622 Snoopy Christmas Tree