Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Re-exposure of Image5
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: 1974 Image4 Sam on the pier prior to our going scuba diving on the Morrea Atol
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE1 Sam in the doorway of our little grass shack in Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE2 Ron and Badonna Retin off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE7 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE6 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE5 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE4 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE3 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE11 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE10 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE9 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE8 Scuba diving off Moorea, Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE12 Don't you just love the French and their quaint ways_
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE16 Adventureous Sam underwater in Tahiti
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: a IMAGE30Under water
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Sam in front of Faree in Tahiti copy
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Image33 This is a very dirty picture
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: Sam in front of Faree in Tahiti