Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150017-024 Paul on the Mountain Course - SiolveerStone LV
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150049-062 Paul on phone with his daugheters as twilight time begins to race across the Sheep Mountains
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150074-084 Paul on the 18th hole as Sunset begins to creep across the face of the Sheep Mountians
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150049-062 twilight time begins
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150063-071 Long shadows begin to form on the Sheep Montains
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150074-084 Sunset begins to creep across the face of the Sheep Mountians
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150074-092 Sunset begins to creep across the face of the Sheep Mountians
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA15000983-0102 Dusk creeps into the deep crevaces of the Sheep Mountains LV NV
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150103-0107 Dusk creeps into the deep crevaces of the Sheep Mountains LV NV
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA150108-0120 Long Shadows fall on the Sheep Mountains - SilverStone Golf Course - SilverStone - Las Vegas NV
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA160121-0123 Dawns first light Sheep Mountains - SilverStone - Las Vegas NV
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA160124-0126 08-11-16 Sunrise on the Sheep Mountains - Silverstone - Las Vegas NV
Rainbow Traveler Las Vegas: PA160127-0138 08-10-16 sunrise on SilverStone