Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom(s): Slightly modified Batman, Batwoman, and OMAC (DC)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom(s): Black Panther and Killmonger (Marvel/Black Panther Movie)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Dante (Updated) (Devil May Cry)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Arcade (Marvel)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Noggin Clontith
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Plankton gets Served (Creepypasta)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Royal Ninja (OC)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Wolverine (Updated) (Marvel)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Mettaton Ex (Updated)(Undetale)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Galen Marek/Starkiller (Star Wars: Force Unleashed)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Brain (DC)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Cad Bane (Star Wars)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Reaper (Updated) (Overwatch)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: John Wick (John Wick/Fortnite I guess)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Arin Hanson/Egoraptor (Game Grumps)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Sugi (Star Wars)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Connor (Updated) (Detroit Become Human)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Tracer (Updated) (Overwatch)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Lantern Corp Rings (DC)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Aurra Sing (Star Wars)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Happy Hogan (Marvel)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Pharah (Overwatch)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Moon Knight (Marvel)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Jack Noir (Updated)(Homestuck)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Deadpool Shield
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Yellow Jacket (Modified)(Marvel/Antman)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Solid Snake (Updated)(Metal Gear Solid/Super Smash Bros)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Belle Delphine Gamer Girl Bath Water
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: 8-Ball (Marvel)
Wilson, Wilson, & Wilkins: Lego Custom: Soldier 76 (Overwatch)