saheli16work: Morning flower 1
saheli16work: Çäctüs
saheli16work: Fēstïvãl & līght
saheli16work: Prãyër
saheli16work: Flåmê
saheli16work: Residue of a hindu Gøddêss
saheli16work: It is time that has taken her hand
saheli16work: Old stairs
saheli16work: Array of bricks in a never ending road
saheli16work: Dying part of a bamboo tree
saheli16work: New leaf
saheli16work: Returning to home 🐦🐦
saheli16work: Hanging gardens
saheli16work: Empty seat with a lonely ambience
saheli16work: Parasite
saheli16work: Morning sun 1
saheli16work: When blue goes off & twilight comes, at that time they can be seen on the way to their home