claire484.t21: 21/08/13.jpg
claire484.t21: 20/08/13
claire484.t21: 19/08/13
claire484.t21: 18/08/13 What??
claire484.t21: 17/08/13 Boodles
claire484.t21: Sundown
claire484.t21: Feathers
claire484.t21: Feathers B&W
claire484.t21: Bottles
claire484.t21: Self portrait
claire484.t21: The garden path
claire484.t21: View from the garden
claire484.t21: At the end of the garden
claire484.t21: Lily bud
claire484.t21: Lily in bloom
claire484.t21: Busy bee
claire484.t21: Busy Bee
claire484.t21: Bee and the globe thistle
claire484.t21: DSC_1613.jpg
claire484.t21: 16/08/13 Nightfall