Martib97: October 31st 👻
Martib97: La regina del cielo notturno 🌙
Martib97: Total lunar eclipse 🌑
Martib97: Photobomb of a Quadrantid! 🌠
Martib97: Comet 46P/Wirtanen 🌠
Martib97: Constellation of Orion 🌌
Martib97: Big lizard 🐊
Martib97: Wiener Riesenrad, Moon and Mars 🎡
Martib97: Hofburg Wien 🏰
Martib97: NhM Naturhistorisches Museum Wien 🌍
Martib97: NhM Naturhistorisches Museum Wien 🌍
Martib97: Mars 🔴
Martib97: Me, my boyfriend and his telescope (which is the same as mine, a Dobson Skywatcher 250 mm) 🔭 Around the center of the sky you can see a "bright and blurry star", that is the Andromeda Galaxy 🌌
Martib97: Dragonfly
Martib97: Butterfly lit by the only ray of sunlight that seeped through the trees
Martib97: Reflection
Martib97: Freedom
Martib97: Butterfly
Martib97: Sunny day ☀️
Martib97: Fireworks 🎆
Martib97: Sunset and clouds
Martib97: Dandelion ☀️
Martib97: 🌲
Martib97: ☀️
Martib97: Energy wave ☀️
Martib97: Dandelion and sunset ☀️
Martib97: Yesterday sunset 🐦
Martib97: Lara 🐶
Martib97: Today's sunset, Jupiter and light trail left by a small intruder (firefly)