Cassiezee: The road is paved with good intentions
Cassiezee: Islands of trees
Cassiezee: Colours, colours, colours
Cassiezee: Triglav National Park
Cassiezee: Across the bridge, Triglav National Park
Cassiezee: In a Slovenian alpine meadow
Cassiezee: Not ready to say goodbye yet
Cassiezee: Slovenian landscape
Cassiezee: Slovenian autumn
Cassiezee: Slovenian morning mist in b&w
Cassiezee: Two worlds
Cassiezee: Golden light as the rising sun catches the mist below
Cassiezee: Then the morning sun breaks through
Cassiezee: Castle (almost) in the air
Cassiezee: Mysterious
Cassiezee: Dreamy
Cassiezee: Mist at dawn
Cassiezee: Lake Bled; it’s not all about the colour
Cassiezee: Colours emerge through the mist
Cassiezee: A misty morning in mono
Cassiezee: Tranquility
Cassiezee: Through the trees
Cassiezee: Mist clearing
Cassiezee: Elements of a Japanese Garden?
Cassiezee: Ablaze with colour
Cassiezee: Deep in the forest
Cassiezee: Slovenian dawn
Cassiezee: Slovenian dawn
Cassiezee: A misty morning
Cassiezee: Holding on