Qmass314: Warming up in the sun
Qmass314: He's curious about me
Qmass314: Hogging the bird feeder
Qmass314: Hogging the bird feeder (another view)
Qmass314: This pumpkin tastes pretty darn good!
Qmass314: Enjoying a nut
Qmass314: Lefty is enjoying a peanut
Qmass314: A-R-181203-1-7
Qmass314: Yep, I can see Denver from up here
Qmass314: Burying a nut
Qmass314: Momma squirrel out foraging
Qmass314: Resting
Qmass314: Resting
Qmass314: Vampire Squirrel
Qmass314: Mildly curious
Qmass314: AA-190906-1
Qmass314: Got any nuts?
Qmass314: AA-191006-1-9
Qmass314: Christmas Peanut
Qmass314: Morning Light
Qmass314: Waiting for Breakfast
Qmass314: Curious
Qmass314: Munching on the Geraniums
Qmass314: Ever-present Chipmunk
Qmass314: Basking