pierreyvesgallard: Cocorico !
ori.eliot: Easy clownfish 3/3
ori.eliot: Easy clownfish 2/3
ori.eliot: Easy clownfish 1/3
pierreyvesgallard: Lion - Ashimura Shunichi
Choi ju young: 은호 (Snow white tiger) CP Model : https://flic.kr/p/PaKCRu 22.5° reference line
Orizuka: The third episode, with @nicolasterryorigami , will be released soon ! #podcast #origami #interview #teasing #nicolasterry
ori.eliot: Mouette
ori.eliot: Crâne
ori.eliot: Blatte
ori.eliot: Éléphant
ori.eliot: Crabe
ori.eliot: Rhino
ori.eliot: Ganesh
ori.eliot: Ganesh
ori.eliot: Poisson clown
ori.eliot: Chien de berger
ori.eliot: Guêpe
ori.eliot: Zèbre simple
ori.eliot: Orang-outan
ori.eliot: Pikachu
-sebl-: armchair
-sebl-: piggy bank
pierreyvesgallard: Owl in flight - Riccardo Foschi
Cường Origami: Chim Lạc - Vietnamese Legendary Heron
Riccardo Foschi: River Dragon (Riccardo Foschi)
-sebl-: street cat
Rui.Roda: Asian Elephant - Anicé Claudéon