Ny variant av lego Basic fire truck car 565.
Where do you like this one with the old black / white ones. Hub caps or wheel rims on the wheels? It's an old classic. When it pulled out of for in Sweden. Var tyckd om den här med de gamla svarta / vita. Navkapslar eller hjulfälgar.? Det är en gammal kl
Where do you like this one with the old black / white ones. Hub caps or wheel rims on the wheels? It's an old classic. When it pulled out of for in Sweden. Var tyckd om den här med de gamla svarta / vita. Navkapslar eller hjulfälgar.? Det är en gammal kl
Now I have to build up my own new variant of the Lego Basic 565. This time it is a tanker with two small cabinets and with slightly larger wheels. Here are some pictures of it. :) And it manages to get in and out of the gates with. Maybe more like the Sis
Now I have to build up my own new variant of the Lego Basic 565. This time it is a tanker with two small cabinets and with slightly larger wheels. Here are some pictures of it. :) And it manages to get in and out of the gates with. Maybe more like the Sis
Where do you like this one with the old black / white ones. Hub caps or wheel rims on the wheels? It's an old classic. When it pulled out of for in Sweden. Var tyckd om den här med de gamla svarta / vita. Navkapslar eller hjulfälgar.? Det är en gammal kl
Where do you like this one with the old black / white ones. Hub caps or wheel rims on the wheels? It's an old classic. When it pulled out of for in Sweden. Var tyckd om den här med de gamla svarta / vita. Navkapslar eller hjulfälgar.? Det är en gammal kl
Now there are some new front wheels on the Chemistry and Environment Rescue Car.
Maybe an old-fashioned tanker from Sweden. with black and white rims.
Old the classic Sweden fire truck.