Thom Pfeil:
M42, M43, NGC1973/1975/1977
Thom Pfeil:
The Orion Nebula
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12 Galaxies including M99 & M100
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M100 and surroundings
Thom Pfeil:
NGC7635 M52
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M33 Triangulum Galaxy
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M45 The Pleiades
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Rosette Nebula and Cluster
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The Horsehead and Flame Nebulas
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M31 The Andromeda Galaxy
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NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
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M33 The Triangulum Galaxy
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M82 Cigar Galaxy
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The Black Eye Galaxy
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The Siamese Twins Galaxies
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NGC4565 The Needle Galaxy
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Thom Pfeil:
7 Galaxies in the Markarian's Chain
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M97 The Owl Nebula
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M17 Omega or Swan Nebula
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M16 The Eagle Nebula
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M20 Trifid Nebula
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M17 Omega or Swan Nebula
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NGC 6818 The Little Gem Nebula
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NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula
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NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula
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M57 Ring Nebula
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NGC 7000 The North American Nebula
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IC 5070 The Pelican Nebula
Thom Pfeil:
IC1805 The Heart Nebula