goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Monkey relaxing in a tree above Mount Meru Game Lodge Arusha Hotel
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Zebra standing by the water in Mount Meru Game lodge Hotel
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Buffalo and a storm in mount meru game lodge hotel in arusha
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Early morning, stork in the fields on the grounds of mount meru game lodge hotel in Arusha
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Early morning in mount meru game lodge, after safari
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Giraffe in Tanzania safari trees
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons A young lion resting on the grass in a national park in Tanzania
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons A lioness in the grass scowling, Tanzania, Africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Vultures sitting in a bare tree, safari, africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons A hyena devouring a kill
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons A male and female lion getting ready to mate
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Masai Warrior walking and carrying wood
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Baby Zebra and its mother, safari plains, Tanzania, Africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons A baby giraffe nursing, water buffalo
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Cheetah relaxing in the grass, safari, Tanzania, Africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons A male lion in Tanzania Africa, direct stare
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons A marabou stork wading in water, Tanzania, Africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Cheetah hunting a young deer, Tanzania, africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Cheetah walking on a hill, Tanzania, Africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Hawk sitting on a small tree, Tanzania, Africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Vulture sitting on a tree as wildebeest graze below, Tanzania, Africa
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Giraffe in Tanzania, Safari, Ngorongoro national park
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Two water buffalo looking at the camera
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Two Rhinos in Ncgoroncgoro National Park
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons Two hippos in the water, attractive landscape
goTraveltipster: Creative Commons A large male elephant approaching in Tanzania, Africa